PLEASE TAKE NOTEOur shop will be closed on 22nd and 23rd March due to electrical maintenance being carried out. We will still be taking orders for our...
Valentines Day!Diforti Salami Wedges of Brie Antipasto Olives Freshly Baked Bread Pot of Bay Tree Chutney Celery and Cucumber Sticks Homemade Cheese...
we're still here for you!Happy New Year to You All! Hope you had a lovely Christmas, I’m sure a quieter one than usual. Unfortunately, we find ourselves in...
a BIG THANK YOU!WOW! What a year 2020 turned out to be! Definitely one for the history books! With that said on behalf of everyone at Thaymar I would...
The Christmas countdown is on!Throughout December we will be running our advent offers like last year! Each morning we will post the offer for that day on our social...
Sundays made EASY!Sunday Lunch Made Easy! This week choose either: Home Reared Silverside Beef Approx. 1kg £25.00 with Bay Tree Red Wine Gravy OR Home...